Hello everyone. Welcome back to my blog. After last semester, my writing style has evolved and improved. However, as a request from my teacher I am leaving my old All About Me up on my blog and adding one that feels a bit more relevant. Similar to last year, I still don’t like writing about myself and have no clue where to start. That being said, I went off of the ‘there is a girl prompt’ and just went from there. Here it goes.


There is a girl,

who promotes self love and giving yourself time to rest,

then she goes and goes till she has

nothing left to give.


There is a girl,

who used to fight with the mirror everyday.

Allowing it to point out flaws and letting herself listen

to the horrible things it had to say.

She now feels at peace with herself;

she doesn’t have to listen to anyone for self validation.


There is a girl,

who is trying to find a balance between who she is

and who she wishes she could be.

She doesn’t have the time to be

that girl.


There is a girl,

who knows who she is, but is unsure

how she’s going to fit into the real world.

Living with ruthless and jaded people

worming their way into her life after high school.


There is a girl,

who is unbelievably blessed by those around her.

She’s unable to express it.

She was always taught

that gratitude can be given to those who need it-

what about everyone else?


There is a girl,

who misses her childhood innocence;

even though she has learned things

she never could have

without life’s challenges.


There is a girl,

who loves to laugh

with everyone and anyone.

The sounds of laughter fill her heart with joy,

her mind with all the other times she was

just as happy.


There is a girl,

who wants to see the world,

despite knowing deep down

she doesn’t have enough life experience

to see the cruelty and pain 

without being changed.


There is a girl,

Who is healing from her years of hurting.

Trying to embrace the emotional scars.

Because she knows all of her hurting will be used

to help a beautiful garden grow deep in her soul.

Wild and unapologetically

taking root and letting her breathe again.

Image: https://zenutrition.files.wordpress.com/2015/11/tumblr_static_tumblr_static_5bgy8m84f9ss800ckocwo0sw0_640.jpg?w=300&h=169


6 thoughts on “All About Me 2017

  1. Dear Tiana,
    I honestly love this piece so much. These statements starting off with, “there is a girl”, puts power into the writing, and it helps me understand who you really are as a person. The lines in each stanza flow with each other, and they are just written so wonderfully.

    Because she knows all of her hurting will be used
    to help a beautiful garden grow deep in her soul.

    That line in your piece is one of my favourite lines; I can connect to it and it shows me how you are a really strong and positive person.

    I enjoyed reading your about me and I just want to say keep up the good work. I look forward to reading more pieces from you in the future.


  2. Dear Tiana,
    This is such a beautiful poem. This provides such insight into the depths of your mind. I love the consistency throughout your entire piece, especially with the “there is a girl” statements. Overall, I love this piece, it is great.

  3. Dear Tiana,
    I read it and I felt an instant: wow! You are very playful with words and I noticed that you have the ability to make simple words into deep reality. I love that I connected with your writing. I actually smirked a little while reading this line: “There is a girl, who is unbelievably blessed by those around her,but doesn’t know how to express it.” since THAT IS SO ME!! Keep making great work, I honestly loved it.

    Shiksha T.

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